Posljednja izmjena 24/02/21 by Ivan Palijan
Svaki superheroj nosi barem dva lica, jedno civilno za javnost, te jedno maskirano kada treba spasiti svijet. Batman ima cijelu lepezu, od one budale iz TV serije iz 60-ih, do mračnog i tajanstvenog osvetnika kakvog poznajemo danas. Mračnog viteza znamo isključivo zbog Frank Millerovog pothvata kojim je, prema vlastitim riječima htio Batmanu vratiti muda tamo 1986. godine. Nije ga zanimalo ništa što su ostali radili s Batmanom, nije mu dao niti tehnologiju, niti oružje. Stvorio je od njega gromadu mišića i bijesa koja se u svojim pedesetima vraća spasiti svoj grad koji je poharan nemoralom, nepravdom, kriminalom i novom bandom koja sebe naziva Mutanti.
4.3 rating based on 192.131 ratings (all editions)
ISBN-10: 156389341X
ISBN-13: 9781563893414
Goodreads: 59960
Author(s): Publisher: DC Comics
Published: 11//2012
This masterpiece of modern comics storytelling brings to vivid life a dark world and an even darker man. Together with inker Klaus Janson and colorist Lynn Varley, writer/artist Frank Miller completely reinvents the legend of Batman in his saga of a near-future Gotham City gone to rot, ten years after the Dark Knight's retirement.
Crime runs rampant in the streets, and the man who was Batman is still tortured by the memories of his parents' murders. As civil society crumbles around him, Bruce Wayne's long-suppressed vigilante side finally breaks free of its self-imposed shackles.
The Dark Knight returns in a blaze of fury, taking on a whole new generation of criminals and matching their level of violence. He is soon joined by this generation's Robin—a girl named Carrie Kelley, who proves to be just as invaluable as her predecessors.
But can Batman and Robin deal with the threat posed by their deadliest enemies, after years of incarceration have made them into perfect psychopaths? And more important, can anyone survive the coming fallout of an undeclared war between the superpowers—or a clash of what were once the world's greatest superheroes?
Over fifteen years after its debut, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns remains an undisputed classic and one of the most influential stories ever told in the comics medium.
Collecting Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #1-4
Superman je ovdje prisutan kao verzija superameričkog sueprheroja koji služi samo nacionalnim interesima i više je prepreka nego pomoć pa se Batman mora obračunati s njim. Nema ništa zabavno u otme nasilju, služi samo kako bi pojačalo fatalistički ton priče. Joker je glavni negativac koji predvodi Mutante, a ne možemo očekivati da će on ostati kao ultimativna prijetnja, jer jedino navijamo da sve ovo prestane, jer je očigledno borba na život i smrt, a ne simbolička borba između dobra i zla sa puno sive zone unutar bojnog polja. Nasilje i korupcija koji vladaju Gothamom su jedino stalno stanje stvari, a u njega se pretaču iz stvarnosti koja nas okružuje.
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